
Career Academies Math Teacher Beth Polhemus

"I enjoy being a part of something bigger than myself, and making a difference in young people's lives. I especially enjoy seeing the impact of my teaching years later as former students share what they've gone on to accomplish."

- Beth Polhemus

Career Coach Jordan Crook poses for school photo

"I am passionate about guiding students toward fulfilling career paths. I love watching them develop skills, build confidence, and achieve their goals!"

- Jordan Crook

Blake Hamric, High School Welding Instructor

"I want to become a mentor to our future generations."

- Blake Hamric

Misty Howse, Career Academies of Decatur

"I feel there is no greater job than to impact students' lives through fostering a love and appreciation for others."

- Misty Howse

Warrick Mastin, New Teacher, Career Academies of Decatur

"My main goal this year is to impact as many kids as possible."

- Warrick Mastin

New Teacher, Jeff Hallmark, Career Academies of Decatur

"I became an educator to share the knowledge I have acquired over the last 35 years."

- Jeff Hallmark

Alan Glover, Teacher, Career Academies of Decatur

"I want to share the knowledge I have gained in my career and pass it down to a new generation of builders."

- Alan Glover


army jrotc
ARMY JROTC In addition to leadership and management training, students also receive training in drill and ceremonies, first aid, geography, study skills, American history, and government.
business academy
Business Academy Provides students the 21st century technology skills necessary to acquire certification and be competitive in today's rapidly evolving workplace.
building science
Building Science Designed for the student interested in pursuing a career in the construction field and offers a wide introduction to all areas of the construction trades.
sports medicine
Sports Medicine A rigorous and relevant Sports Medicine Academy for students interested in fields such as: Athletic Training Physical Therapy Medicine
precision machining
Precision Machining Provides specialised classroom and laboratory experiences for students who are entering the field of manufacturing and engineering technology. Hands-on work experiences and SkillsUSA leadership activities enhance classroom instruction.
health sciences
Health Sciences Allows students to investigate the roles of health science and medical professionals as they study the following concepts: Human Medicine Physiology Genetics
engineering design & advanced manufacturing
Advanced Manufacturing Designed for students interested in engineering and related advanced manufacturing fields. Students are taught how to design, build, and test the designs in real-world situations. These courses require higer-level thinking skills to solve open-ended design and manufacturing problems. Emphasis on mec
culinary arts
Culinary Arts Students are prepared for a variety of careers in culinary arts and the hospitality industry. The required school-based laboratory for the Culinary Arts pathway is a food service kitchen with a food serving and dining area. Formal presentations and portfolios are developed to showcase students' work
cyber security
Cyber Security Introduces students to the broad field of Cyber Security. Students learn multiple numbering systems, become familiar with Microsoft Windows and LINUX operating systems. They learn networking, vulnerability assessment, and cyber forensics. Students participate in the national CyberPatriot competition